Finally, I had my hair cut.
Must paid the A.E. fees only can get T-shirt..@@
Become tarloy-ians officially.
All were felt so sleepy wednesday because wanna wait until 5 oclock only can take the student ID photo.Somemore waited sot almost 2 hrs ago..NABU he..!!
Fly cai..!!haha//
Ms.Ranee wanna chose a class representative and assistant to help her do something.
And so un-FORTUNATELY, I was the person who become the CLASS REPRESENTATIVE.And my dearest sista--WEISIANG, become my assistant.LOL..Blame them--hin hua-ians, chose me..!!!T.T..haiz..
This is the scene when I on the way back home.So many police there and dunno what was going on just now.But I think had an accident LA.
Mine A.E-1st week class had been completed.Left 15 weeks..^^..Now I really hope my english can pass the band 6 and get improve on it!Because I saw those friends who straight study degree program are so stressful and I saw QiaoHan just now.
I really cant imagine my life will going to same with her the next intake.Should I give up..@@ or change the school.!I really no dare to face it..!!
OMG!!..just past 1 weeks only have this kind an idea on my mind, what can I do now..??
[Thanks xynn for helping me photocopy the handout..^^v]
当你问自己能不能这个问题,也就是意味着在埋怨自己的能力,你的情绪就会受影响。对比之下,如果你做不好一件事情,你一想[是不是我的方法有问题?] 时,你的头脑就开始会动了,学习的欲望就出来了。
所以不要去设想我的能力够不够,而是要设想我的方法够不够多! 。 当你的[方法]越来越多时,就代表你的[能力]越来越强 !
就好像打开报纸,只要一刊登强奸的负面新闻,那几天一定陆续罪案会发生, 没有登反而天下太平,得空留意就懂是不是事实了。
wow...congratulation!!!Hope you are qualified for this position!!
thx ur comment lol, it's help me alot..^^Hope i will release the bad idea on mind..
thx u..haha..!:D
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