Photo of the Day

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17 November 2010

SIMILARITY assignment shooting

Lol...exactly not a what very nice photo me and yen took.
Not a what very expert photographer took . haha..just a liltle task which was be yunxian's model.

Her assignment need to to [similarity], means 2 person wear a same shirt, same bag..
Then sit DIAM DIAM let her took..hahahhaa...

How stupid we were...keep smiling smiling and smiling..haha..

The first shooting was took photo with 1 product..
any product also's called ???-----i forget ad..haha...

Then the next, SIMILARITY turn..haha...XD..

Here's our photo shooting venue..haha

one of the lengluii model help to let the bad become more bigger..haha


see up there got money down bo..haha

very bad tilam...haha

another...hahaha...a charger..haha

haha...this hand cover yen face already..lolx..

the very nice one..hahaha..

This pattern quite stupid..ahahahha..

I dint mention that ME and YEN were same pose that time..haha

amazing..hha....same same same again..XD

Took finished..haha..took all the things out and prepared went to my room change clothe..

YEN kisiao ad..haha

A love shape..but it seems like ==!!...shit..haha....

A very last photo for ME, YEN and XIAN..haha...

please dont judge those person who have DSL or what kind of camera...
Take photo is just an very interesting things..

If not pro enough also never mind what..JUST FOR FUN.
anyway...I LOVE IT. dear xian..haha

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