Photo of the Day

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23 May 2011

Crazy Wedding Dinner that night

Sunday, for sure, is a family day.. =D..
My family went to Bukit Tinggi to cram our stomach full... 

As my cousin got facebook already, she now become more zilian than me..
LOL.. always take photo in anywhere...

After finished eating, me, my sis and my cousin went to saloon to wash our hair.
For preparing wedding dinner later night.

my look yesterday... ya, i know my face was look like so weird.. 

and, selfshoot time is started... 

more and more pichass was inside my sister phone... 

Around 7.30pm something, we reached the restaurant...

deng deng.......

she always so kiet siao (in hokkien)

me and my gorgeous mom

with this cute lil babe

see see see.... muahhahahaha

I love this type of food...
this is something special... and ah, not much restaurant got this kind of food..~

lolx... and how insane..? 
this table---- my ah yi, my mom them are getting higher and higher..
even the babe... also shaking...LOL..

there was so freaking cold..~ ==xxxx

see... haahaaa..... started dancing there.....

muahahhaa... all of them are my ah yi (aunt)....
see, how big my family is.... XD

For sure, my mom is not drunk yet... 
muahhaha..... and, i end my post with this lovely picha laaaa..... =D

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