Photo of the Day

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16 January 2010


***the last sight of sunshine***

I used to type English recently and chronically by no REASON.
I hope my English also will get improve from it.

I like it University ambiance there.REALLY big and nice.
I so ashamed and no dare to take picture inside the campus, so..
I just capture it garden only..:D..haha..

I thought went to Monash University that time was MY last chance who drive my dad's car.
BECAUSE..I had scraped his car to divider.OMG..
Luckily , he has no any responded or keep scold me like a shit when I told my dad !

Really is a good day to me.HAHA.

After finished asking and visiting it, we went to Time Square again.
I got something wanna gave Tong.So after we having dinner with tong at there,we went thru the bridge to Sungai Wang.

There was really clutter and huddle and whatever la.
Is really not a good place to shop because whole building and whole shop were almost sold the same style of T-shirt, dress, somemore the jeans that I bought. will see the same patern in different kind of shop.
so..i make it some different:D..DATA..**

the down there I give tailor who work in the factory together with me-a kindly aunty to put rubber inside there.
It's a different style again:D..haha..and it wont look like so normal and simple.
MY STYLE**The most special :D...

This jeans was nice and I want to match with this white colour blouse.
I bought at Time i think that website also got online selling.
But i had already forget the online price!

RM69.90-10%=RM62..Not bad la that price..for me la.
But when we went to Chi Chiong Gai I saw my jeans there.
Same colour, same stlye, same patern..and it just sold RM45.


Haiz..that's ok!Maybe its quality is no good than mine..haha..':D
: /..When we wanna went home, there was really fucking damm traffic jam.
We 6 o'clock started the car, and I was the last wan who reach home at 8 o'clock..

Fucking Day !


Bought from fruity-RMxxx...haha..[cappucino favour]

my dad have put on weight.:D..

no conversation..:D...tok tok tok..

my mom close her eyes and make a wish..haha..

it's first time my mom wanna take picture with my dada forwardly.

13-1-2010 is my beloved dad birthday! his video.
He act cute.HAHA:D..

Really tak boleh tahan.
I guess u guys sure very pening because of my sister that really super no technique.
Always turn here turn there..walao..!!-.-lll


Oh ya, I nearly forget yesterday was my Beloved class-S3ACJ gathering at Bukit Tinggi Coffee House.
I got some dissapointed on it because just a few people who very close to us just attended.
Other wan..Maybe some started thier study , or maybe some no free that time or maybe some don't know or forget that day was our class gathering.

The gathering has gave me a feeling as like we went out go for yamcha chatting.
ya..just the same, except that have many people together yam cha only.
:D..haha....haiz..SUAN LE BA!

All friends was still the same face, same sound, same laugh, same same same la..
haha..:D..I so happy to see you guys man.!haha..:D..Quite miss yousssssssss la..

Tong & ME

tong and yen

3 of us..yen's patern..-.-lll

Next time must orgarnise a party which is really belongs to us-S3ACJ.
Not just simply 18 people attend it.haha..:D..yeah..good..!!

And 1 thing, I so regret din't take much picture yesterday.

Like this word pretty much!


By the way, 大日子woohoo is a nice new year movie.
I recommed you guys to see this movie and just enjoy it..:D..


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