Photo of the Day

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12 December 2010


Really OMGodness...
I have really no idea how to express the thousand of words in my mind.

When I went to Kampar Tesco just now after dinner,
I did love to see this...

My lovely Hello Panda Biscuit
The price is just barely RM11.59..
Really OMFG....

Luckily Im not buying this last few weeks ago.
Because the Price was totally far far away from this now.----RM17.59

And, this....Junk food---Cottage Fries..haha,,
Just RM1.99...Me and my housemate all sapu semua..
Total got 10 bungkus in the trolley..haha..

Deng Deng...
Our trophy that day..=)

Have a nice day to everyone..=)

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