Photo of the Day

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01 July 2011

Durian Session with my Housemates

It's Wednesday. A very windy day that day. Feeling Good because of the heavy wind... :))

 See the trees that besides the road side.... 
the leavesss all become so sengik ad.... hahahahha

Then, after night.... after dinner... Hengjun jio us went to pasar kia kia..
Me, adam, tong, yen and jun. We bought 8 durians back home... :)) RM20

How sad, there have 4 durians that already been smelly... so we just eat 4 biji duriansss only..
hais... get cheat from the stupid hawker...

What a waste... ==lll...
Anyway.. LOL...I love durianss so much.....

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