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19 January 2010

Good Things To Share

Hii, readers.......I would like to share something to all of you.
This website~~It's test about your personality !It's good to know what kind of personality you have do?^^

Try it!


1. 思想和說話都很準確
2. 認為權柄在乎邏輯與一致的說話
3. 尊重人的智力
4. 喜歡分析工作
5. 喜歡自己做事
6. 不易表達自己感受
7. 執著於原則和價值觀
8. 思想複雜
9. 不敏感別人的感受

1. 當尊重人,不可自傲
2. 要有愛心與別人建立友誼
3. 學習分享深入感受
4. 對不喜歡的人試去建立友善和體諒
5. 在衝突中重建和諧
6. 要現實、務實及有耐性去用簡單的語句解釋一些明顯但別人不察覺的事物

And another wan is this
There have many things can test such as your love, your name, you future...many many.
So hurry up to use your mouse click the site that I give..^^haha..

It's quiete accurately for me.Hope you guys enjoy it!…………^^v

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