Photo of the Day

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29 March 2011

Soft skills--Blue Oceon Strategy

Wow... is good to hear that... all of my dear housemate were together attended the soft skills yesterday... Which is the Blue Oceon Strategy..

Started from 9am to 5pm...
It can say that, soft skills totally take off our lovely sunday..

But then, when we entered the classroom... Mr. Timothy ask all of us who are very new in Utar.. means that are still Y1... Just 7 person out of 22 raised up the hand..

The 7 persons were us.. Really Oh My godness... Shit..!!!!
Because the rest are nearly graduating, Y3.. or Y2... hais..

Anyway.. we already paid the RM80 in order to claim the 20points and the certi.
So... be patient and pay full attention what the Blue Oceon Is talking about..

the blue oceon is talk about...【how would you shows that your unique characteristics out of thousand people.. it is really help for those who are graduating...】... so.... we were confuse.. and blur blur to take it.. hais... too early for us to take it..

However... i still enjoyed the moment that first time joined the soft skills.. lolx..
Because we keep capturing around.. muahahahha...

NICE.. first time ma.. must keep it as a memorable and crazy moment.. because we take Y2 or Nearly graduating programme.. ==zzzz

Here's the pictures...

Cute, Nice... XD...

Our name tag... =D..

I love this sky so much... XD..
I capture this when going out to having our lunch.

I seems like got potential to join the art society.. hahah..
I love Drawing..

Me and December

The dog that i drew actually is HIM.. =D..
muahahha... Hengjun..

Our product.. XD..
Not as good as those who already Y2 / Y3.. hais..

Our english gotta improve alot alot alot..T.T

Wow... I love my name so much as weell.. =D..

Oh my god.. whay Yongxiang was doing that time... 0.o..

adam seems like so cold.. muahhaha

yer... ==zzzz jiajia...~ muahahahha

me and my nametag.. XD

asked us to draw about our future face..

I hard to imagine how was my future...I just know i want to earn alot alot alot money only..
.. haha..

Yongxiang masterpiece.. muahaha..
Really so oh my god...

me and december again.. lolx..

And the time is nearly 4.30pm... all of us were going out to take a big group pictures..
how sad.. T.T.. in front people was so high.. cover my face...

and, FINALLY.. =D..

and the lecturer also give us some pressie..

Lastly.. end up this post with this group pictures...


1 comment:

小菜Phoemi said...

haha~~no bad ma~~~=D
like very funny~~haha