Photo of the Day

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27 February 2010


My cousin's new born baby.

24-2-2010 went to Miss BiYi house celebrate his nephew 1 years Birthday.

This Ah Hong baby is so cutie.and naughty also..lolx..

Yesterdy rain again..-.-''' boss after finished fetch me and another ah gua-bigsot then accompany he go to eat..lolx..went to Bukit Raja and eat stick.just Boss only.Because I was so fulled that time.Couldn't eat a lot of food already.

ERM..almost 10 oclock something, we went to I-city and take for a walk.I just wanna took a look about the decoration there.
It was so crowded yesterday because of the public holiday.

So we had found a parking and started walked to there.I quite so excited that time.

Can you image the tree with colourful lighting.Such a nice view right.?I guss you guys will fall in love with it pretty much.So..haha..I can't speak much here so let's the picture do talks.

**the christmas tree**

**Miss Cai & Miss Boss**

It's the stage which my secondary school friends perform today.^^..yeah..

As a Magazine cover


What I'm looking for..?

Somemore, I-city have a perform today.Hehe..Im quite excited.^^..[all pictures will upload on my Facebook]

The time is almost midnight, mean 12 oclock, so we had 2nd round also--Boss house.So after we fetch yen at 1oclok like tat then straight went to Boss house and play gamecard and drink and talk until 3.30 a.m...Such a night pussycat I am.LOLX

1 comment:

fenior said...

wow..really nice time bring me go there!!!XP