Photo of the Day

1 2 3 4

15 December 2009

tagged by XiaoTing

- YOU -
First name : CHUA
Nickname : XIAOCAI[mostly like]
Name you wish you had : Anything la...
What do people normally mistake your name for : huising...0.0 lll
Birthday : 12 June 91
Birthplace : In Miss Xiaocai Hse...[Cai Hospital]
Time of birth : Im the early bird..
Single or taken : *********
Zodiac sign : Goat

- Your appearance -
How tall are you : 160..but actually is 158 oni..-.-lll
Wish you were taller : sure is 160 lo...
Eye colour : a bit brown colour
Eye colour you want : Dark blue
Natural hair colour : black
Current hair colour : brown
Short or long hair : LONG
Ever dye your hair a bizzare colour: got..nw lol...
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair : arm...???
Glasses or contacts : contacts more..
Do you wear make up : no..never ever//
Ever had hair extensions : no no no
Paint your nails : got before..!!

- In the Opposite Gender -
What colour eyes : Brown
What colour hair : a little bit brown
Shy or Outgoing : outgoing
Looks or personality : looks
Sexy or cute : sexy
Serious or fun : aim...haha...FUN..!!
Older or younger than you : younger
A turn on : on or off..??
A turn off : off or on..??

- This or That -
Flowers or Chocolates : Chocalate..i think..[coz flower cant tahan so long..haha..]
Pepsi or Coke : both oso much..!!
Rap or Rock : duno..
Relationship or one-night stand : relationship
School or work : school
Love or money : BOTH..
Movies or musics : movies
Country or city : city
Sunny or rainy days : Sunny..
Friends or family : both

- Have you ever -
Lied :!!
Stole something : sure never..
Smoked : NO NO NO
Hurt someone close to you : YA...I THINK MANY!
Broke someone's heart : YA
Had you heart broken : .....Have..??
Wondered what was wrong with you : yeah..!!
Wish you were a prince / princess : sumtime will have tis stupid ideas..
Liked someone who was taken : no..i think...
Shaved your head : no no no
Been in love : sure...haha..:D
Use chopsticks : sure mee sure is use it..!!
Sang in the mirror to yourself : ...this wan..i din did it b4..!!

- Favourites -
Flower : wat flower oso like la..!!
Candy : FRUITY...[love]
Song : ARM.....
Scent : din hv..
Colour :
Movie : MANY
Word : I DUNO..
Junk food : twisty...
Website :
Location : singapore..japan..帛琉...
Animal : yaya...
Ever cried over someone : ya..
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself : change my skin to white..
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose : ....
Do you play any sports :

- The Rules -
Link to your taggers and post these rules
List eight random facts about yourself and tag eight people goes my 'eight random facts' :
1 i need MONEY[same wit u....]
2 i can get a better result in my UEC exam tmr
3 wish my decision is CORRECT
4 all my friends can be happy
5 all my parent can be happy
6 wish 10/6-12/6 IS NOTHING HAPPEN in airport
7 Have a long relationship

- Tags -
*amanda[im the first ppl who gv u a present..haha..:D]

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